µTorrent with Remote management

µTorrent 3
a (very) tiny BitTorrent client.

Register a computer user-id & password here in Preferences & start Remote management.


Remote Access: Start, stop, and monitor torrent downloads on the go. Access your client from any Web browser (https://remote.utorrent.com/), download Android app, or µTorrent Control (Search bar).

Portable Mode: Run your µTorrent client directly from a USB key and take it with you anywhere.

Streaming: Watch videos within seconds with progressive downloads – no need to wait. Especially great for previewing a file before committing to the full download.

Ratings and Comments: Leverages the collective wisdom of the community to ensure the quality and security of downloaded torrents.

Feature Hiding: Minimizing parts of the µT interface with a click.

Size: 1mb